• See our latest review on topological phononic metamaterials
    12 Mar 2023 Category : News Views (452) Category : News

    Topological phononic metamaterials Weiwei Zhu, Weiyin Deng, Yang Liu, Jiuyang Lu, Zhi-Kang Lin, Hai-Xiao Wang, Xueqin Huang, Jian-Hua Jiang, Zhengyou Liu The concept of topological energy bands and their manifestations have been demonstrated in condensed matter systems as a fantastic paradigm toward unprecedented physical phenomen...

  • Dr. Jiang was granted with a large funding from the Ministry of Science and Technology
    14 Feb 2023 Category : News Views (469) Category : News

    Dr. Jian-Hua Jiang, serving as a leading PI, was granted a very large funding from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China. The whole sum is 28 million which is divided by 5 institutes. Congratulations!

  • Yiyang and Yiling joined our group and Rongqian graduated
    9 Feb 2023 Category : News Views (440) Category : News

    Last year we had Yiyang and Yiling joining us. Welcome to our lab, Yiyang and Yiling. Hope you will enjoy the science here and do great jobs! Meanwhile, Rongqian graduated and earned her Ph.D. degree and continued to do a post-doc job here for a while. Congratulations Rongqian!

  • We achieve a new breakthrough in thermal metamaterials
    8 Feb 2023 Category : News Views (385) Category : News

    The inclusion of convective heat transport in thermal metamaterials is not only necessary but also crucially important to expand our scope and capability in controlling heat at will. Ideally, a thermal metamaterial should be able to simultaneously and independently manipulate both the conductive and convective heat flows. However, such thermal metamateria...

  • Unveiling topology on non-Euclidean spaces
    8 Feb 2023 Category : News Views (372) Category : News

    Conventional topological states are defined on flat Euclidean spaces. With acoustic metamaterials, we recently generalize the experimental study on topological states to curved surfaces and fractals. Observation of topological p-orbital disclination states in non-Euclidian acoustic metamaterials Ying Chen, Yuhang Yin, Zhi-Kang Lin, Z. H. Zheng, Y. Liu, J. L...

  • Dirac cones and higher-order topology in continuous media
    7 Feb 2023 Category : News Views (351) Category : News

    Conventional studies of higher-order topological states are based on discrete lattice models (e.g., tight-binding models), here we review how to reveal the higher-order topology in quasi-continuous media (such as metamaterials, photonic crystals, and phononic crystals). We connect this topic with the symmetry eigenstates at high symmetry points and t...

  • Corner modes for rainbow trapping of photons
    7 Feb 2023 Category : News Views (305) Category : News

    Corner modes in higher-order topological photons can have different frequencies, depending on the corner geometry. Here, we use this property to trap photons with sightly different frequencies at different corners in a configurable dielectric photonic crystal. https://opg.optica.org/ol/abstract.cfm?uri=ol-47-6-1454

  • Topological pumping in nanomechanical systems
    6 Feb 2023 Category : News Views (353) Category : News

    We achieve topological pumping of nano mechanical phonons, paving the way for nanoscale controllable phonon information processing. https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.129.215901

  • Our review on inelastic thermoelectric effects are published on Advances in Physics X
    24 Jun 2022 Category : News Views (432) Category : News

    This is an excellent summary of our researches on inelastic thermoelectric effects — a field started by us and other colleagues — in the past decade. Congratulations to Rongqian and Jincheng! Here's the link: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23746149.2022.2082317

  • Our paper accepted by Advanced Science
    10 Jun 2022 Category : News Views (539) Category : News

    Our paper "Observation of emergent Dirac physics at the surfaces of acoustic higher-order topological insulators" by Fei Meng, Zhi-Kang Lin, et al. has been accepted for publication in Advanced Science. Congratulations to Fei Meng and Zhi-Kang Lin!

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